Portfolio and Testimonials

My articles on Medium.com


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Academic paper proofreading

Title: Investigating Markers and Drivers of Gender Bias in Machine Translations
Authors: Peter J Barclay & Ashkan Sami

“I checked over my conference paper several times and was sure I’d found and fixed all the typos…
I’m glad I had it proof-read, Lisa found errors I just didn’t see, so I was able to correct those too before it went to publication.”

Dr P. Barclay, Programme Leader for Data Engineering at Edinburgh Napier University

Creative copywriting for children: Tooth Fairy and Santa & Elf letters

This was an extremely enjoyable writing job. I was provided with the artwork for each character plus their house, and was given free rein to create biographies and back stories, as well as letters to children from each of them. I also proofread the website and other content.

My work can be seen in the content previews via the linked images below.

Image of a tooth fairy with a package of documents in the background


Image of one of Santa's elves with a package of documents in the background


“I was in need of a special writer who was very creative and who could also proofread some of my other jobs. I tried at least 5 writers before I came across Lisa who took my project on and took it to another level, she is so imaginative with her writing and always spot on with her proofreading as she never misses a thing. I was so lucky to have found her and already have other jobs for her lined up.

Thanks for the hard work and superfast turnaround times.”

Gavin & Imogen, magicaltoothfairyletters.com & santaworkshopletters.com

Proofreading & line editing documents

“Lisa helped immeasurably with my documentation, identifying errors and suggesting wording and formatting improvements that enhanced the overall quality.

Her timely and professional work instilled confidence in my documentation I wouldn’t have obtained otherwise.

I would recommend her for any of your line editing and proofreading needs.”

C. Merrick (Private Customer)