
Get in touch!

Anything submitted via the contact form comes directly to myself (and only myself), but if you prefer I’m also happy to chat via [email protected]

I really want you to love your content when I’m through with it. So I’m happy to chat with you about the project until we’re both confident that we’ve nailed down the details.

I’ll also provide you with a no-obligation free sample, so you can be sure you’ll get exactly what you’re looking for.

If you’re not sure what to put in your initial e-mail, here are a few tips:

I’ll need general information about your project, your preferred software/file format, and how many words you have/need in total.

You might want to include info on: your project’s purpose, audience, tone, any specialist subjects covered, and so on.

For copy editing, line editing and proofreading projects: I’ll also need a 100-200 word sample of your text, so I can send it back with edits, and provide you with a more accurate pricing quote. You don’t have to send this with the initial communication of course, I’m happy to do introductions and chat a bit first!

For writing projects: I’ll send you back a brief writing sample (up to 100 words, depending on total length/format), and a pricing quote.

Any information or sample content provided will remain confidential and will not be shared with anyone else. It will not be used for any other purpose other than to provide you with a sample and quote, and to complete the work if you choose to proceed. I am happy to sign an NDA if required. Just let me know what you need!

Contact form