About me

Hi there, I’m Lisa Smart – an experienced editor, proofreader and writer.

I started my career as a copy editor at a company providing reports on the energy industry. I absolutely loved it, but after a few years, curiosity got the better of me and I took the leap into the very different world of product management.

I spent nine years at the helm of a digital suite of editorial products. It taught me a great deal, but I missed writing and editing a lot. So much so that I took on an additional content governance role, ensuring that public-facing articles and presentations were produced to a high standard, and within the company’s legal and style guidelines. Really, it was an excuse to do some extra editing work!

When an opportunity came up to join a fast-paced cybersecurity startup as a content development manager, I jumped right in. I learned a great deal during my time there writing and proofreading training content, and leading the product’s translation and localisation management.

Now, I’m thrilled to be writing and editing here at my very own Smarty Proofreading, and I am very much at your service!

I’m based in Scotland, UK, but I enjoy working with people all over the world.

If you’d like to chat about joining forces on a project, or just want to learn more, please do get in touch with me at [email protected]